Blood of Angels: Chapter 55

“Look,” said Nichelle into the phone, “I just want to give Mr. Phillips an opportunity to address these allegations head on.”


Her lips tightened as she listened.


“I couldn’t say. Sometimes a ‘conspiracy theory’ turns out to be Watergate. All I am saying–”


She paused suddenly, frustration evident in her expression.


“Mr. Phillips and I have a working relationship. He knws that his side will –”


She snapped her mouth shut and clenched her jaw.


“Well,” she said evenly, “in that case Harrison Phillips can go fuck himself and burn in Hell. We are running the story with or without him.”


Chapter 54

Chapter 56

2 thoughts on “Blood of Angels: Chapter 55

  1. Pingback: Blood of Angels: Chapter 54 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: Blood of Angels: Chapter 56 – I.E.

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