Blood of Angels: Chapter 45

“No way,” said Bernie.


“Run it!” demanded Nichelle, frustrated.


“I have the world’s richest man threatening to sue us into oblivion. No.”


“God dammit, Bernie, this is the most important story in history. It is–” She cut of with a strangled sound. She couldn’t say the words.


“I get it,” said Bernie, “but we have to vet it — extensively — or we are dead.”


“We’re all dead anyway!” she screamed.


Bernie reached toward her but she slapped his hands away. “Then I’ll quit and tell everyone. Fuck Phillips and his lawyers!”


“He’ll destroy you,” said Bernie. “No one will believe you.”


Chapter 44

Chapter 46

2 thoughts on “Blood of Angels: Chapter 45

  1. Pingback: Blood of Angels: Chapter 44 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: Blood of Angels: Chapter 46 – I.E.

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