Blood of Angels: Chapter 21

“Your wife is quite the bulldog,” said Peter Zavod.


“Ex,” said Justin.


They were meeting in Zavod’s business office: modern, clean, sterile. It made Justin nervous.


Zavod smiled. “I hear that intern of yours–”


“Stacey. She’s my assistant project Manager.”


“Stacey. She is digging up old invoices?”






“Because I told her too.”




Justin leaned forward. “You hired me to make sure your HQ was open within six months. Part of that is figuring out what the last six managers fucked up.” Justin leaned back. “That’s a lot of managers, by the way.”


“Yes it is,” said Zavod.


Chapter 20

Chapter 22

2 thoughts on “Blood of Angels: Chapter 21

  1. Pingback: Blood of Angels: Chapter 20 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: Blood of Angels: Chapter 22 – I.E.

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