The Ring Makers: Chapter 24

Genet stood atop a dais before the throng of pilgrims. As the day had approached, their dozens had become hundreds and then thousands. To them he appeared to stand within and fill the nearly complete Ring.


“We are all in God’s hands now,” said Genet. His words were passed backward through the crowd by his selected Speakers. “Our beloved brother Ephrim is not here with us,” he said. “But we will see him again soon, at the head of God’s host.”


He began to sing a prayer and when the multitude took it up the din shook the very ground.


Chapter 23

Chapter 25

2 thoughts on “The Ring Makers: Chapter 24

  1. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 23 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 25 – I.E.

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