The Ring Makers: Chapter 23

Luiz shook his head without looking up. “Ain’t going to happen.”


Ellie crossed her arms. “There’s more of these damn fools every day, Lu. They’re gonna get killed.”


Luiz shrugged. “Let ‘em. Who are you to say otherwise?”


“Dammit, Lu, I’m serious. They’re dragging their kids out there.”


Luiz sighed. “Say I agree: no more supply runs, no more guides. That’ll stop them?”


“Some of them,” Ellie said with transparent uncertainty.


“I know you want to help these idiots, Ellie, but it isn’t in your hands”


“Then who’s hands? God’s?”


“No. Their hands. And that’s the way they want it.”

Chapter 22

Chapter 24

2 thoughts on “The Ring Makers: Chapter 23

  1. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 22 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 24 – I.E.

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