The Ring Makers: Chapter 21

Hyong shuffled into the office. Miss Ryu rushed to him, her firm gentle grip on his elbow. His nod was little more than a tremor. Miss Ryu’s face remained pleasant and warm but her eyes shone glassy.


General Namgung said, “Welcome back, Doctor.”


Hyong froze.


“I trust you have found your motivation.”


Hyong bowed sharply. Miss Ryu’s expression remained placid despite the storm inside.


“Good. There is not much time and we need answers.”


Hyong bowed again. Namgung left.


“Doctor, perhaps tea–”




“Your pardon.”


Hyong sighed. “Yes. That would be fine.” He hobbled toward the monitor room. “Thank you.”

Chapter 20

Chapter 22

2 thoughts on “The Ring Makers: Chapter 21

  1. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 20 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 22 – I.E.

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