The Ring Makers: Chapter 19

Ellie pulled her laden truck into Deaver City. The tents and lean-tos had multiplied and some had given way to sheds and shacks


Monica greeted Ellie. While her people unloaded Ellie’s supplies she said, “Could be any day now.”


Ellie peered up at the Ring. It was impossible to know but she could believe “Closure” was imminent. “Yeah.” She grimaced.”We’re pulling back another couple miles. You should, too.”


Monica laughed. “Hell no. We have the best seats in the house.”


When the truck was loaded with cracked stones in payment, Ellie drove off as fast as it would go.


Chapter 18

Chapter 20

2 thoughts on “The Ring Makers: Chapter 19

  1. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 18 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 20 – I.E.

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