The Ring Makers: Chapter 18

“The prisoner will stand up!”


The guard’s command echoed against the walls. Bae Hyong did not move. He sat in the corner with his head resting on his knees.


The guard unlocked the door. “The prisoner will stand up!”


Hyong did not move.


The barred door slid open. “The prisoner will stand up!”


Hyong made every effort to lift his head but it simply lolled off his knees until his chin hit his chest.


The guard pulled him up by his hair then slapped his face. “The prisoner will stand up!”


Somehow Hyong found the strength to lock his knees.

Chapter 17

Chapter 19

2 thoughts on “The Ring Makers: Chapter 18

  1. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 19 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 17 – I.E.

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