The Ring Makers: Chapter 17

“You must run!” Genet yelled, shaking Ephrim.


“No,” said Ephrim. He guided Genet’s hands away and kissed his forehead.


“They are coming!”


“I know. I have always known they would come. It doesn’t matter.”


“But the temple! The Ring!”


Ephrim stroked Genet’s cheek and soothed him. “My part is done. We are merely waiting for God now. Whatever they do to me, they cannot hold back the inevitable.”


Genet sobbed. “I do not want to lose you!”


Ephrim embraced Genet. “You will find me again in heaven. Have faith.”


The apartment door exploded inward, followed first by smoke, then bullets.

Chapter 16

Chapter 18

2 thoughts on “The Ring Makers: Chapter 17

  1. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 18 – I.E.

  2. Pingback: The Ring Makers: Chapter 16 – I.E.

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