Bow Before The PANTHEON

Turns on lights. Taps mic. “Hello? Is anyone still here?”

The end of 2018 was one bitch of a ride. I finished my schooling, changed jobs and started writing RPG material again. In all that mess, this blog got lost — but never forgotten! Now that I have settled into work, school is over (FOREVER!) and I have found a groove with game writing, I hope to get back to this. It’s been too long since I have yelled into the void just to hear my own echo.


The first new business of 2019 is The Savage Sign. It is a quarterly publication for Sigil Entertainment  full of all kinds of wonderful goodies for the Savage Worlds RPG system. The Savage Sign is in the middle of a Kickstarter right now to fund its first issue. Go have a look! Among other things, and with plenty of help from some very talented designers, editors, writers and artists, I have been creating the super hero setting Pantheon. The setting is inspired by the work of my favorite comic book creators, including Warren Ellis, Mark Waid, Grant Morrison and Kurt Busiek. It is four color heroics in a world full of secrets. And like any good comic book story, it won’t be done in one. We plan to support and expand PANTHEON all through the year, leading to something big in 2020.


Expect to hear more about this project as time goes on, as well as some other cool super hero stuff I have in the works.